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Our Story...

Thepostdigitalprintmaker community was born almost seven years ago.  We started experimenting with printmaking using digital technology a few years before that, but our fellow printmakers couldn’t really relate to what we were up to.  We knew we couldn’t be the only artists exploring in this manner, so we decided to start a blog on Tumblr posting work by artists that were doing traditional printmaking but incorporating digital technologies.  We added Instagram and Facebook and used #postdigitalprintmaker, #postdigitalprintmaking, #archivalpigmentoffset and later added #3Dprinting and #digiallycut. Little by little we became a community of almost 7,000. We curated shows as thepostdigitalprintmaker, spoke at conferences, wrote articles and gave workshops.  We have met many of you and you know what we do, and we know what a lot of you do.  You have connected with other artists via our social media and used each other’s services.  We think it is time to move the blog to its own website to make the study of postdigitalprintmaking more formal and its own discipline.  Please feel free to suggest ideas for articles and shows that highlight new technologies as we adopt them.


Looking forward to continuing on our path with you - Phyllis and Victor Merriam

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